Six investment profiles

Six investment profiles

The safe choice

This profile, which invests in dynamic money market instruments, is the safest. While it misses out opportunities through potential market rises, it is ensured moderate growth of capital. It is intended for investors seeking to protect themselves from market fluctuations and who prefer an investment horizon of a few months and to two years.

Take advantage of the security of bonds

This profile consists of a selection of bonds. Very small fluctuations in bonds allow for higher yields than the monetary profile and a distribution of income, but require an investment horizon of at least 3 to 4 years.

Choose limited exposure to the stock market

This profile seeks an optimal return with a high level of security. The portfolio is primarily oriented towards fixed income products and may include up to a maximum of 35% in shares. The investment horizon is 3 to 4 years.

Combine security and growth

This profile focuses on steady capital growth. The portfolio is structured in a balanced manner in fixed income products and shares, the latter representing up to 55% of the portfolio. The investment horizon is 3 to 4 years.

Benefit from global growth

This profile seeks a significant increase in your portfolio to benefit from global economic growth. The portfolio contains mostly shares, making up to 75% of the portfolio. The investment horizon is over 5 years.

Take advantage of all stock market opportunities

This profile seeks maximum growth for your investments over the long term. You are willing to take risks and to accept a certain volatility: the portfolio can be invested in up to 100% in shares. The investment horizon is at least 7 years.