Praise for bespoke solutions
Asset management according to Fiducenter Asset Management
Discretionary mandate Free yourself of management constraints
If you plan to entrust the investment decisions entirely to our experts: Fiducenter Asset Management creates a management mandate within a framework that is specifically designed for you. All the skills and resources of our teams are focused on achieving your objective: a personalized service that gives you access to the best international markets and relieves you of the day-to-day management of your assets.
Whether you are investing directly in the markets or selecting investment funds, you benefit from a rigorous and entirely personalized approach.
Advisory management Benefit from personalized management advice
Our advisory management service will regularly provide you with information, data analysis reports and research tools from our managers to support you in making investment decisions.
You choose your equity, bond and money market components.
Life insurance
A flexible asset management tool par excellence, a life insurance contract is one of the best tools available for estate planning today.
As permanently available capital, it authorizes unique mechanisms in the context of inheritance: the contract is unseizable, fi scally very advantageous, and enables you to protect your loved ones in the event of death.
It nonetheless remains an excellent framework to make your assets grow, incorporating investment funds, profiles and management mandates.
Unlock the potential of your wealth…
A range of services at your service.
Cash Plus profile
Cautious profile
Defensive profile
Balanced profile
Offensive profile
Bold profile